It’s that time of year again. The semester seems to be dragging, and motivation is slipping. Of course, this lack of motivation isn’t good for you grades or your mind, but these ruts do happen. Remember, this is a new year, time for a fresh start. Try some of these stress management tips to get you out of your rut and through everything from homework to finals.
- Manage your time. I know, I know: preaching to the choir here, but while the pressure of an upcoming deadline is a great motivator, this technique doesn’t work in the long run. QUIT PROCRASTINATING. You’ll thank yourself at the end of the semester. Set tiny goals along the way to break up an overwhelmingly large project. Give yourself breaks on certain days of the week, and make others your “get stuff done” time where you sit down and power through your work. Do whatever it takes not to put something off until the last minute.
- Keep it in perspective. Your grades are important, especially if you have a scholarship that depends on them. But they’re not the MOST important. Your mental and physical health should take priority. Remember your endgame, remember why you started, and remember how blessed you are to receive an education. I have friends who are missionaries in China, and they always come back amazed by how excited to learn the kids they work with are. They have very little opportunity (but a lot of desire) to receive higher education, so I’ve always felt it was my duty to be grateful for every moment I spend in school. Thinking about how blessed I was to be at a good school kept me positive and motivated when I was stressed.
- Write down EVERYTHING. Don’t trust yourself to remember even the smallest detail without backing it up somewhere. Keep a planner, calendar, or notebook where you can save everything from school dates and deadlines to your lunch plans for next week. Not only will having a physical copy help you remember, it helps you to identify (and deal with) exactly what your stressed about on paper instead of letting it swirl around in your head.
- Hold yourself accountable throughout the semester, so by the time finals come around, you’re confident in your ability to do hard things with grace. By forming good habits over time, you’ll banish some of the negativity that comes with stress and finals. Don’t let this mid-semester rut get you down. Clean out your backpack, buy some fun new supplies, do whatever it takes to get yourself motivated and excited to learn again.
- Live well. Exercise, eat whole, pursue fun hobbies, be kind, and keep your heart and mind open. School can be a great experience. Whatever your perspective on academics, you can learn a lot about life just by looking around. Destructive behaviors destroy motivation, so break the cycle now before it negatively impacts your grades or career. You can do it. WELLTRAX believes in you, and is ready to help you every step of the way. Whether you need to decompress with a massage or vent your frustration with a hardcore workout, our wellness center is ready to help you get the most out of school.